Caribou Cave

It is the dawn of time. Mammoths roam the land and cave lions stalk the plains. Two cave people, Sabaz and Nimrock, must find Caribou Cave to discover what happened to the once plentiful caribou that sustained their community.

Inspired by the Lascaux cave paintings, Caribou Cave uses shadow puppetry and physical comedy to explore how we are not so different from our prehistoric ancestors.

Created and performed by Chloe Payne, Alex Dault, Andrew Young and Michelle Urbano. Originally produced in Barrie, Ontario in July 2019 as Theatre by the Bay’s summer children’s show.

Press Quotes

“Michelle Urbano is a skilled, inventive puppeteer. She tells the shadow story through economic images that prick the imagination. Both Alex Dault as Nimrock and Chloe Payne at Sabaz are engaging, energetic and animated. The storytelling is compelling and the audience I was in, composed of children, adults and adults who were developmentally challenged, and was attentive and silent. You can’t get a better compliment to storytelling than that.”

- The Slotkin Letter

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